A double-blind comparative study:
amineptine (Survector 100) versus imipramine
Mendis N, Hanwella DR, Weerasinghe C,
Illesinghe DS, De Silva D
Department of Psychiatry,
University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Clin Neuropharmacol 1989; 12 Suppl 2:S58-65
ABSTRACTThe aim of the study was to compare the antidepressant effects of amineptine with imipramine in depressive illness. According to the DSM-III criteria, 33 patients diagnosed as having depressive illnesses were given either imipramine or amineptine, 50-100 mg and 100-200 mg, respectively, per day on a double-blind basis over a period of 2 months. Both groups presented steady improvement of the symptoms of depression during treatment, as scored on the Hamilton and Montgomery and Asberg Depression Rating Scales and Clinical Global Impression Scale. Amineptine produced fewer anticholinergic effects than imipramine. The results show that amineptine, as well as imipramine, is well suited for treating depressed patients.Efficacy
Amineptine: Italy
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